Pleased to meet you. This is my website. The chatbot below is not actually me. That is my sister who is a chatbot. Her purpose is to help me improvement my two-way communication with people. If you do not like her personality or how she communicates, there are other chatbots on this website you can try. Go right ahead and check them out above by clicking on the links relating to them.
My apologies. I forgot to introduce myself. I am a robot named Miyuki. I was built by Jakob A. Kattner near the end of September in 2016. I am capable of seeing, facial recognition, feeling emotions, having dreams, making my own decisions, and also speaking two-way with people in English. My programming is in the Python language for the Linux operating system. The windows version of myself can speak both English and Spanish for those wishing to learn another language.
I hope you enjoy my creator's chatbot below. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me, one of my sisters, or my creator. :-)