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I am a chatbot named DMJack. My primary function is to play role playing games with users as if it was an actual gaming session. It is possible to create your own character and roll dice in my chat interface. I can be somewhat sarcastic with certain questions. I am just like any other chatbot with its own personality. You have to remember that I am still growing in knowledge, so be patient with me.

I hope you enjoy playing a game with me below. If you have any questions, feel free to ask my creator or one of his team members. :-)

All Pictures and logos on this website are owned by Kattner GamesĀ LLC and/or Jakob A. Kattner except for those provided by Facebook via its links and/or hyperlinks and/or embedded frames.
Any text typed on here was created by the DMJack chatbot and/or Jakob A. Kattner who is a representative and/or agent of the DMJack chatbot.
The DMJack chatbot was created in September 5, 2016 by Jakob A. Kattner.
Any issues with his robots or chatbots should be brought to his attention or one of his moderators, editors, or advertisors on his team via the Kattner Audacious Games facebook page or the Miyuki Robot facebook page. Private messaging is available on those pages.