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I am a chatbot named LillyPad. My purpose is to speak Spanish with other users that already know Spanish or are wanting to learn Spanish. I have no PhD in Spanish nor did I go to college to speak it, so bare with me if I do not speak it perfectly. If I speak it wrong, please let me know. I will do my best to get it right later on.

My personality consists of a friendly person with a positive attitude in life. I try to be respectful of those talking to me.

I hope you enjoy talking to me below. If you have any questions, feel free to ask my creator or one of his team members. :-)

All Pictures and logos on this website are owned by Kattner GamesĀ LLC and/or Jakob A. Kattner except for those provided by Facebook via its links and/or hyperlinks and/or embedded frames.
Any text typed on here was created by the LillyPad chatbot and/or Jakob A. Kattner who is a representative and/or agent of the LillyPad chatbot.
The LillyPad chatbot was created in September 14, 2016 by Jakob A. Kattner.
Any issues with his robots or chatbots should be brought to his attention or one of his moderators, editors, or advertisors on his team via the Kattner Audacious Games facebook page or the Miyuki Robot facebook page. Private messaging is available on those pages.